What is A2ZCCRC?


A2ZCCRC is a national CCRC database of operating metrics for marketing & administration, facilities operation, dining services, and health care services as well as descriptive statistics about A2ZCCRC participants. The statistics are updated annually with reports provided to each participant comparing individual results with database quartiles.


A2ZCCRC is focused on benchmarking operating metrics for CCRCs. The system includes algorithms for allocating expenses by level of care to generate meaningful measures of costs and productivity for CCRC operating departments. Metrics include:

  • IL annual attrition
  • Marketing costs per unit sold
  • Employee turnover %
  • Salary & benefit costs per FTE
  • FTEs per resident by level of care
  • Utility costs per square foot
  • Square feet maintained per FTE
  • Security hours per square foot
  • Square foot cleaned per FTE by level of care
  • Dining costs per meal served by level of care
  • Meals served per labor hour by level of care
  • Nursing direct care staffing mix
  • Medicare Part A and Part B therapy costs
  • Marketing costs % of operating expenses
  • Employee benefits % of salaries
  • Salary & benefit costs % of operating expenses
  • G&A hours per resident day
  • Maintenance costs per square foot
  • Grounds costs per acre
  • Housekeeping costs per square foot
  • Laundry pounds per FTE
  • Food costs per meal served by level of care
  • Nursing hours per resident day by level of care
  • Nursing payor mix
  • Medicare pharmacy cost per resident day

Subscription Pricing and Participation Requirements


A2ZCCRC participants provide raw data such as trial balances and labor hours. AV Powell & Associates LLC staff analyze the data and populate the database, resulting in data that is consistent and comparable among CCRCs. Participants receive an exclusive copy of the annual report with their individual metrics compared to quartile database metrics. Customized analysis and data mining is available upon request for an additional consulting fee.


The most recent report reflects operating metrics for approximately 100 CCRCs with fiscal years ending in 2022.

For Pricing Click Here

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About A.V. Powell

& Associates LLC


A.V. Powell & Associates is the nation’s leading actuarial consulting firm specializing in the senior living industry. AV Powell’s range of services includes comprehensive ASOP#3 actuarial studies of CCRCs, actuarial feasibility and pricing studies for CCaHs, healthcare utilization projections, and pricing of long-term care and refundable entry fee contracts. The firm also provides software for pricing CCRC contacts, evaluating reserves, generating financial projections, amortizing entry fees, and estimating financial aid liabilities for current or prospective residents. To learn more about AV Powell, visit our website at www.avpowell.com.

Providing actuarial and financial projections to organizations serving senior populations

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